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Pretty Isn't Everything, You Punk Ass

Posted on by J

Pretty Isn't Everything, You Punk Ass

(if you're confused about people, click the people page on the right, and it'll tell you about all the people I talk about on this blog)

How was my day? Hmmm let me think, how about horrible.

Ugh I hate school so much, why can't I just get home schooled.

So basically the whole day was me feeling insecure and ignorant. Today we had gym, and my gym uniform fits slightly tight on me and makes me look sooo fat, it's disturbing. I wish I could just loose 30 pounds, then I'd be happy.

Today, for the first time in forever I actually tried to look nice. I straightened my hair, and put on some chapstick (lol ew i know I almost always have chapped lips, but I hate putting on chapstick at school idk why, don't ask) and put on small stud earrings. I felt so confident walking out of the house this morning.

But, of course, I can never be let alone to bask in happiness, when I got to school, my friends basically laughed in my face. Let me translate what they said, "Haha no offence but you shouldn't even try, it just makes you look funnier." "Ew look an ugly person is wearing earrings. You should take them off, they don't suit you." "You're just making a fool out of yourself, you look like you're trying too hard."

Guess what I did, I punched them all in the face! Haha I wish, well that's what I did in my mind. Instead I pulled all my hair into a tight ponytail and took of my earrings. "Wow that's a lot better." "Yeah this looks a whole lot more like you." "Don't wear stuff like that again, it's just weird, trust us."

I'm not sure if they're being totally honest and just helping me out, after all real friends would tell you if you actually looked ugly. Or if they're just putting me down. I like to think that they're just helping me. Cause I mean imagine me actually looking decent, they probably saved me from looking like a fool in front of everyone.

Also did I tell you about that one kid who hates me for no reason. Well there probably is a reason, but I don't know of it. Let's call him G. I handed him the worksheet and our hands brushed and he glared at me and applied hand-sanitizer on right after, while the whole class was watching. What's his problem anyways?! And he's always pointing at me and laughing with his friends, which basically is all the hot guys in my class. In other words G is the DUFF of his group lol, he's slightly chubby and not as good looking as all the other guys.

Ughhh so since he's friends with all the hot popular kids they all probably think I'm a loser too. I bet Junho thinks I'm a loser and a freak too.

And OMG today during gym the guys were playing basketball and we were jumping rope. Junho was like super good, and the way his hair flipped when he jumps omg ughh. Oh and that other hot guy that stands next to me in the line while running, idk if I told you his name but I'm pretty sure it's Eunso, and omg he wore shorts and a muscle tee and like his muscles were like swoon worthy.

UGhh why do I even like people, I should just hate them all. I hate hormones this is the kind of stupid skittles in does to me.

Anywaysss bye babes


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